====================================================================== Title : Temple Filename : temple.map Author : Silencer E-mail : silencer007@earthlink.net Web Page : Silencer's Duke3D Page (and Other Stuff): http://home.earthlink.net/~silencer007/index.html Misc. Author Info : Veterain builder, with quite a few Duke levels in my history. Other Levels : Duke3D: Sewers (with MrMe) Ledges TheLab TheLab2 TheLab3 Prison (with MrMe) Temple of Anarchy Return to the Temple of Anarchy Polaris Outpost Road2Hell Description : Lo Wang stumbles upon the lost Temple after falling through a teleporter. The temple looks like it's been there for centuries, but the architexture is is amazing for the time period. Wang decides to check out the temple; mabye he'd find some kind of ancient treasure or something. But as soon as he moves the giant stone tablet that secures the entrance to the temple, ninjas, guardians, and rippers jump at him, and make his search for precious items a trip through hell! Additional Credits To : Everyone I thanked in anarchy.txt, including Legion and Robert Travis for their building skills and ideas (which I kinda "borrowed"...thanks guys! :), as well as the people who check the message boards at http://www.elitegames.com/d3dbuild (the Duke3D and Shadow Warrior Map Faq Homepage). Also, thanks to 3D Realms for out-doing themselves by surpassing the quality of Duke by releasing Shadow Warrior. Lo Wang rules! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Whichever level user maps replace Single Player : Yes WangBang 2-8 Player : Yes (make sure you turn the enemies off...some of the starting points are right next to enemies who will make short work of you. Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Art : Yes New Music : Yes New Sound Effects : Yes ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch, but a re-make of 2 of my Duke stages (Temple of Anarchy and Return to the Temple of Anarchy) Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD for Shadow Warrior Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : I didn't keep track...probably between 30-40 hours. Known Bugs/Problems : Looking at both mirriors at one time (in the main room) will bring a little sprite-looking thing that appears behind you and moves when you do...wierd, but cool. Also, outside in the "gothic area" (for lack of a better term), at certain angles the archtecture will dissapear. This happens because I added a valid-player space sector that surrounds another valid-player space sector. Doing this in both SW and Duke can cause errors, so beware. I would have fixed it, but it would have caused much time (probably another day to release the stage), and I didn't have the patience :) It's not a very noticable bug, as it doesn't appear much...I hardly even noticed it. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Silencer's Duke3D Page (and Other Stuff), The Official Map Faq Homepage (hopefully), or wherever else you got it. :) ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just make sure that all the files are in your SW directory, and type "temple" at the command prompt. Important Notes : -If you play SW with the CD in (which everyone should do, cause the music rules), press t (when you get in the game), and type "cd loop 5" I think that this track really compliments the stage well, and recommend that you use it. If the track is a little too slow for your liking, track 4 also sounds pretty good with this stage (type "cd loop 4" if you want to use track 4). -You have permission to do whatever you want with this stage as long as it doesn't involve 1)Editing it and saying you made it (unless you use it as a base for another stage, which you can do if you give me credit for the original design), 2)Distributing it without all the files intact, including this one, or 3)Publishing the stage on a CD Collection without my acceptance. You can also post this stage wherever you want on the net...I want as many people to play this as possible and get the most enjoyment out of it as they can. ====================================================================== Hints! If you want to beat the stage fairly, DO NOT procede to read this section, as it gives away alot of the challenge/suprise of the level, to help those who a)suck, b)don't care to beat it fairly, or c)are just plain lame :) Temple is a very hard stage, if you don't know how to play a defensive game. Make sure you use every wall you can as a shield, and conserve your ammo whenever possible. You will probably die a few times during the adventure through the temple, but do not give up hope. This stage takes alot of practice to master, and is much easier once you learn the stragetic ways to kill the enemies. Good luck! -If you follow the river in the beginning, it will drop you off a cliff. You can't survive the drop to the ground....unless you climb down the waterfall. I suggest you use the gas bomb, firing it from the top of the waterfall, at about a 1 o'clock angle (a little to the right of the far corner). This will take out one of the ninja's who fire at you (if you do it right). However, don't jump down right away. Run back, because a second ninja will climb the waterfall and try to shoot at you. He's easily taken care of with a well- placed shot from your railgun. Next, jump down, but be careful for the coolie who sometimes lives the gas bomb. Also beware of the large "baby" ripper, who will try to attack you. Don't worry though, as he is easily out-run. Grab your rocket launcher and forutne cookie, but conserve your ammo. Do not waste it killing the "baby" ripper or the coolie if he lived. -Use the rotating door to your advantage, and do not rush into the main room, because you will face some problems if you do. In fact, play the entire stage defensively, using corners and doors as shields. Let the two baby rippers and the guardian run after you, and kill them outside of the temple as not to wake the 2 ninjas (one has heat-seakers, the other grenades). Once you kill the baby rippers and the guardian, go after the ninjas one at a time, making use of the door to hide yourself from the ninja you are not attacking. -If you go to the passage at the right, there will be a crack in the wall. Shoot it either with the rail gun or your rocket launcher. Inside is a rail gun, an uzi, and 2 fortune cookies...as well as 4 killer rabbits. Beware! -Down the long stretch (where the riot gun is), duck and let the traps shoot over you. Try to kill the ripper with the rocket launcher or the rail gun, as you have a chance to get a heart when you kill it, which will be helpful for the next obstacle you face. -The Throne Room (second passageway to the left from the entrance) is heavily guarded by 3 ninjas (a regular, rocket launcher and shadow ninja), 2 archer women, and a coolie ghost. If you got a heart from the ripper, use it now, but beware the shadow ninja, who your clone will not see. Try to lure any enemies to the main room, as you will have a much easier time fighting them in the open, but be careful not to fall in the holes in the ground. When you clear the room, get the key laying on the throne, and get the weapons in the rooms (being careful of the guardian and the coolie in each room). Take the key across the main room to the door. -Use the heat seeker card you get on the serpent mini-boss, making sure to kill the baby ripper with your uzi so the missiles will not go after it instead of the serpent. Do not keep running; when you get to the open area stay in the hallway, peeking around the corner every once in awhile to shoot at the serpent. If you run out of missiles, use the grenade launcher, but be careful enough not to bounce it off the walls into the lava. After you kill the serpent, walk a little out from your safety corner, look up toward the passage overhead, and fire 2 grenades at the corner to take out the shadow ninja. If the big ripper jumps in the lava, don't waste ammo on it. It will not jump out, and the eruption will kill it for you. -Be careful when you head through the silver door. Sometimes the door to the right will be opened (mysteriously), and the enemies will attack you before you're ready. In this hallway, walk straight and press up against the wall. A door should open with a guardian head, which will help you take out the sumo mini-boss in the next room. Take out the mini-boss first, unless the baby rippers run down the hallway toward you (use either the guardian head, or even better, your uzis for the baby rippers). After the room is clear, let the poison gas clear, then grab your key and medkit, using it if you need to. -Next, head for the red door (back in the main room, between the 2 mirrors). When you open it 2 coolies and a guardian will attack, but they are easily taken care of. You will face 2 passageways, which both spread to various areas that branch every which way. Of course there's only 1 right way, and follow these directions to go there: 1)Take the left passage, following it to the next split. Next go right, the left leads to a passage with a trap, a shadow ninja, but some railgun ammo. If you feel you can handle it, get the ammo before going the correct way. After you take the right, follow the passage, passing up the right turn that comes shortly, until you hit the wall. Turn left, but beware of the trap. Just duck in the middle, and wait until you can get past it. Follow the hallway all the way; there are no more splits in the road. However, keep an eye out for a darkened wall near the Tomb; a nuke waits for you, which will help you take out the challenge ahead. -When you get to a change in the wall design (from the brick-looking thing to the dark wall with the faces), proceed with caution. 2 serpent mini-bosses should be moving around, which you will have to take out. Make sure you use the wall as a shield, if you don't you will not live. Use your nuke if you get a shot that's not too close to you, or you can save it for the 2 sumo mini- bosses in the same room (which I recommend). Also, watch for the traps; the entire room is booby-trapped with fireball and spear traps. You can duck both of them, and run to the casket where the gold key rests. Don't let your guard down as you put the key in the keyhole; stepping in that area sets the fireball traps off again. -Charge up your nuke before you open the door in front of you. You'll need it, as there are ALOT of enemies waiting to keep you from exiting the temple alive. You can probably run all the way to the exit switch, killing only the ninjas, but I find it more fun to kill em all :)